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Solid Advice When It Comes To Hemorrhoids is to be found in this article

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Posted on: 08/12/22

You may know quite a bit about hemorrhoids, but theres always something else to learn, and no doubt youll be particularlykeen to konow about effective treatments. Here are a few facts and pointers that may surprise you.

A natural treatment method for hemorrhoids is using the organic herb, garlic. Although you may not like its pungent odor, this herb is good for treatment of bleeding and inflamed hemorrhoids. There are two ways you can use garlic for treatment of your hemorrhoids. The first method is to ingest at least two cloves of chopped garlic 2 to 3 times each day until your hemorrhoid problem is better. The method which will give a more immediate relief is to insert a clove of garlic into the affected area at night.

Hemorrhoid relief is as close as the nearest bottle of witch hazel. Witch hazel provides instant relief from the pain and itching caused by hemorrhoids via its unique numbing quality. While witch hazel is not necessarily a magic cure for hemorrhoids, it does greatly relieve those tissues and gives them a chance to heal.

If you are an athlete, make sure that you wash yourself after a workout with your team. This is imperative, as you will want to eliminate all bacteria and sweat from your body. Excess sweat and bacteria can increase the amount of redness on your skin and worsen your hemorrhoids.

Dont depend on medications. Stimulant laxative drugs such as Bisacodyl tablets are meant to be used on a short-term basis and will not cure constipation. They may help with one bowel movement, but youll be more constipated later. Side effects may include upset stomach, diarrhea, stomach cramps, faintness and stomach & intestinal irritation.

Use proper lifting techniques with heavy objects. The strain you put on your body with lifting is equivalent to the stress of straining in the bathroom. This can not only affect other areas of your body, but strain your anus as well. If you can avoid lifting heavy objects all together you will keep the strain to a minimum.


If you are prone to hemorrhoids and you have a job that requires a lot of sitting, then you need to get up and move a few minutes each hour. Exercise is very important in the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids. Also, you will want to refrain from heavy lifting and anal intercourse to avoid the risk of developing hemorrhoids.

Regular daily exercise may help in the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoids. In our fast-paced world it can be hard to find time to fit exercise into our day but even a little can help. Try using the stairs instead of the elevator at work. Dont do any exercise that would cause straining, like lifting weights.

Exercise caution when using medicines that relieve constipation. While these laxative products can help you in the short term, you can quite easily experience constipation after the effects have worn off. Many times the constipation is worse than you started with. Look for natural ways to soften your stool or seek a physicians advice.


Be sure to take your vitamins and keep your nutrition levels high to benefit your overall health and help resolve your hemorrhoids. If your diet is less than ideal, a supplement and/or vitamin will ensure that your body receives needed nutrients. You might also want to check into Venapro and see how it can help reduce hemorrhoids you may have, over time.

There are a lot of factors involved in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Much depends on what stage your hemorrhoids are at. Nevertheless, careful application of some of the advice herein, is sure to provide you with some relief. Of course, you do need to consult with a doctor too.

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